Tuesday 15 July 2014

Kanye West Explains How to Avoid Fans in Failed Reality TV Pilot

Years before Kanye West began dating reality TV star Kim Kardashian, he appeared on a different reality TV show in 2010. The show – which TMZ unearthed and features the logo TNE Travel, possibly as the title of the show – was supposed to focus on hirsute human Hotwire Brett Goetsch, a self-proclaimed "ultimate travel agent to the stars." The program, however, did not get past the pilot stage.
A two-and-a-half-minute clip shows Goetsch and West's day-to-day man Don Crawley discussing how displeased the rapper was that the hotel he stayed at had told people he was there. But the real interesting part of the snippet occurs a minute in when West kicks back in the studio and complains about being routed through Hamburg, Germany because of his distaste for airports.
"People like to say really stupid things to me," West explained. "OK, that's completely politically incorrect." Then he sarcastically added, "No, I really like being in airports. I like people walking up to me and saying shit like, 'Are you Kanye West?' 'Yes.' 'Quit lying!' And the whole time I'm on the phone." He also explained that he likes to pretend he's on the phone when people come up to them and revealed a phone trick that keeps him from snapping on fans.
West married into reality-TV royalty at a ceremony in Florence, Italy, where he said "I do" to Kardashian. The couple held its rehearsal dinner at France's Palace of Versailles, where magician David Blaine performed and Lana Del Rey sang "Summertime Sadness," as well as two other songs. In early May, the bride reported via Twitter that the couple's wedding would not be filmed for Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

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