Saturday 16 August 2014

Usher: My Two-Year Marriage Was My 'Best Mistake'


Usher's divorce was messy even by Hollywood standards, but the R&B singer says he absolutely no regrets about marrying stylist Tameka Foster.
In the September issue of O Magazine, the Grammy Award-winning singer says his decision to marry Foster when he was 28 ended up being his "best mistake" ever.
"Most people probably think I regret it because I ended up getting divorced," the 35-year-old singer says, "but it helped me learn that sometimes I think I know more than I actually do."
The pair married in 2007 but split two years later, in part because Foster wasn't ready to deal with the pressures of fame, Usher told Oprah in 2012.
"I did get a great sense of the insecurities that were there and the fact that she wasn't coping well with being in this position, being married to Usher, and all that came with that," he said.
three-year custody battle for the couple's two sons, Usher V and Naviyd, followed. A judge awarded Usher primary custody in 2012, but the legal battle heated up again last summer, when Foster unsuccessfully tried to win temporary primary custody of the two boys after the oldest son nearly drowned in Usher's pool.

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