Monday 7 July 2014

WORLDCUP: The nurse who filmed Neymar in hospital has been fired

Woman The nurse who filmed Neymar in hospital has been fired [Report & Video]A nurse who filmed Neymar being wheeled around on a hospital trolley has been fired, according to an article on Brazilan football site UOL.
The nurse filmed Neymar amidst a group of people who had gathered to see the Brazil star and was widely criticised for not only recording the football in that state but also for blowing kisses to the camera afterwards and laughing.
Neymar broke a bone in his back in the World Cup quarter-final against Colombia and his injury has been mourned by the country.
The site reports: ‘In an interview with the newspaper, the hospital administrator, Marcia Real stated that the employee was away and would soon be fired. The Brazilian team doctor Jose Luiz Runco said at a news conference on Saturday that the records of Neymar were collected by CBF. The nurse had only first names revealed: Chintia.’
Although the video was perhaps in bad taste, there doesn’t seem to be any malice behind the nurses actions, from what we can tell; she seems to be laughing and smiling at the end after seeing a superstar rather than an expression of joy at the pain Neymar was enduring.
You can watch the video below and judge for yourself.

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